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“  Through the timeless threads of storytelling, my grandpa's tales ignited my imagination, and now I pass on this torch to my children, bridging generations with the power of storytelling."
                                                         - Preeti 

Once Upon a Time

In the heart of every human being resides a storyteller. Stories are like the glue that binds us together through time and culture. From the whispers of ancient tales around campfires to the vibrant narratives shared across social media platforms, storytelling is an art that transcends time and culture. 


Storytelling isn't just for novelists, filmmakers, or actors. It's relevant for everyone. When you're sitting across a job interviewer, you're telling the story of your experiences and aspirations. When you're presenting a project at work, you're weaving a narrative about progress and potential. 


Sounds interesting? It’s time to discover the storyteller in you. And we assure you that every word of yours will paint a picture! 

Preeti's Certifications

Storytelling from Kathalaya 

Storytelling for social change

 University of Michigan, USA

International Academy of Storytelling

The International Storytelling Centre, Tennessee, USA

Benefits of the
Master vivid visualization through stories 
Foster empathy and understanding 
Connect deeply with the audience 

Our Courses

You are one story away from becoming a great storyteller
In Person
Online Courses
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